An elegant pastel blue cord set secured in the signature style of Aakriti by Nandita, the best fashion designer in Pune. Worn by Girija Prabhu, this outfit balanced out feminine aesthetics while keeping the fresh modern vibe, making it ideal for casual outings, parties, or special events.
Key Features:
Delicate Fabric:
Top and Pant: Soft muslin for lightweight and comfortable feel.
Jacket: Created using sheer organza for an elegant look.
Lining: Butter crepe gives it a relaxed feeling and a smooth finish.
Trendy Features:
Inner Top: Square necks offer a chic look.
Jacket: Senior stylized with a V-neck collar and full sleeves.
Pant: Wear co-ordinated with the same pastel shade, with an embroidered waist belt decorated with moti, colorful beads, and organza flowers for a statement touch.
Elegant Embellishments:
Very ornate and beautiful work done with moti and organza flowers adds a luxurious aura.
Versatile Occasion Wear:
Great for casual events, parties, or trend-setting gatherings.
Care Instructions: Dry clean to keep embellishments in fine order and quality of fabric at par with the rest.
Why choose us?
A lot of her creations have a certain timelessness and modern appeal that brings her into the category of a celebrity fashion designer in Pune. Her boutique is hailed as one of the best boutiques in Pune and offers exclusive designs to which one can pin hopes upon. Whether one is searching for a designer dress boutique or a western designer in Pune, well, her designs are sure to uplift your wardrobe.