This show-stopping Silver Western Jumpsuit designer in pune is a fantastic option for anyone looking to set themselves apart from the crowd during that next party. With an overlap V-neck and fall sleeves, the gown has been tailored in luxurious, shiny satin with pleats. Lined in Lycra to wrap you in a cocoon of comfort, it’s easy to just slip in and out all night long with a touch of elegance. fashionista designer in Pune
Bathed in relaxed fit and covered with shimmering silver, it surely gives the appeal to be – glamorous and starry – for heavy-duty stunners on any night of celebration.
Fabric: Pleated Satin, Lycra Lining
Neckline: Overlap V-neck
Sleeve Type: Fall sleeves
Closure: Side zip
Care: Dry clean only
Occasion: Party
This Western Jumpsuit has been created by Aakriti by Nandita, Pune’s best fashion designer, for all the glamorous, chic outfits with a modern twist.